15 Badass Quotes About Writing and Creativity That Are Depressing Yet Still Somehow Inspiring


I’m a sucker for quotes. Whenever I find one that’s particularly inspiring or impactful, I write it down in Obsidian and the front cover of my journal (pictured above).

But I’ve noticed that many of the most inspiring quotes simultaneously express two sentiments:

  1. Creative pursuits like writing are really freakin hard
  2. But this difficulty just makes the pursuit more worthwhile

Here are 15 of my favorite kick-you-in-the-butt motivational quotes for writers and creatives:

“You’re so privileged to be a writer. Normal people, something bad happens to them and there’s nothing they can do with it except feel bad or complain or press charges.” -David Sedaris

As a writer, failure is rich soil for growing heartfelt stories. Vulnerability is a powerful draw. Write down your biggest failures, then review the list to see which ones can be marshaled into relatable stories for your readers.

You can’t be an important and life-changing presence to some people without also being a joke and an embarrassment to others.” -Mark Manson

The best writing, music, and art polarizes people. It’s impossible to create something novel that doesn’t push some people away. So if your work isn’t actively disliked by some segment of the population, it may not be big enough or bold enough.

“Find what you love and let it kill you.” -Charles Bukowski

You have to die someday. You might as well die doing something you enjoy.

“One of the best rules I’ve heard as a writer is that the way to write a book is by producing ‘two crappy pages a day.’” -Ryan Holiday

Daily progress is a powerful force. If you can show up every day and put in even a minimal amount of progress, your enormous task will shrink faster than you’d expect. The key is to do a little bit every day.

“All of your dreams are on the other side of pain and difficulty.” -Will Smith

Everything worthwhile involves effort. But rather than viewing this as depressing, we should view it as motivating. Difficulty means other people will tap out. They won’t pay the price that success demands. You will.

“The plain fact remains that men the world over possess amounts of resource, which only very exceptional individuals push to their extremes of use.” -William James

Each of us is capable of far more than we expect. Hard work is the mechanism that allows us to tap into brilliance. It opens the floodgates of genius in all of us. Anyone who makes a habit of writing will eventually discover brilliance flowing from their pen.

“Don’t worry about whether things will be hard. Because they will be. Instead, focus on the fact that these things will help you.” -Ryan Holiday

If you set out upon a creative pursuit, you can expect difficulty. It comes with the territory. But every hill you climb makes you stronger for the next journey.

“Failure has a function. It asks you whether you really want to go on making things.” -Clive James

No one noticed your article? Your book didn’t sell? Your newsletter was only opened by 20 percent of readers? Okay, so what? What you do next will define your career as a writer.

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“We don’t tell ourselves, ‘I’m never going to write my symphony.’ Instead we say, ‘I am going to write my symphony; I’m just going to start tomorrow.’” -Steven Pressfield

If you want to become a writer, define success by whether you wrote TODAY. If you don’t have the courage to write today, you’re not a writer. You are “a person who wants to write someday.”

“The scariest moment is always just before you start.” -Stephen King

Half the battle is sitting down at your desk and opening your laptop to write. Once you’ve begun, many of your fears will dissipate — or at least their voices will be muffled. Once you’ve begun, you tap into the creative force that has been waiting for you all along.

“You don’t care about those first three pages; those you will throw out, those you needed to write to get to that fourth page, to get to that one long paragraph that was what you had in mind when you started, only you didn’t know that, couldn’t know that, until you got to it.” -Anne Lamott

Writing is an act of self-discovery. Sometimes you need to write to find out what you think about something. It’s strange, but it’s true. Picking up a pen is like picking up a shovel and beginning to dig in an open field. Who knows what you’ll find?

“The artist committing himself to his calling has volunteered for hell, whether he knows it or not. He will be dining for the duration on a diet of isolation, rejection, self-doubt, despair, ridicule, contempt, and humiliation.” -Steven Pressfield

Art isn’t easy. Its cost can be high: late nights, self-doubt, failure, misunderstanding, etc. But the payoffs can be even more enormous: fulfillment, joy, spreading joy, inspiring others. We choose creative pursuits not because they are painless but because they are worthwhile.

“What do you love doing so much that the words failure and success essentially become irrelevant?” -Elizabeth Gilbert

Don’t define success by whether your book sold well or your article generated tons of traffic. Define it by whether you enjoyed the intrinsic fruits of the creative process: whether you did something you love and whether you created something of substance.

“It doesn’t come easily. It took me 12 or 13 years of not being successful before I was at all successful, so you have to have a kind of absolute determination and drive that this is who you want to be, and hold to that in spite of disappointments and reverses.” -Salman Rushdie

Prepare for a long road. It often takes a decade of hard work to incubate an overnight success.

“All great opportunities cost ‘good’ ones. An extraordinary life costs a ‘normal’ life. You can’t have both. You will have to sacrifice something that you value less than whatever it is you ultimately want.” -Anthony Moore

It’s practically impossible to binge-watch Netflix or stay up-to-date on TikTok every day and also crank out novels in your spare time. Why? Because there are only so many hours in the day. Becoming exceptional at one thing (like writing, art, or music) necessitates that other things take a back seat. Are you willing to pay the sacrificial fee to be exceptional?

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